Monday, March 9, 2015

Baptism Date Set

Hello Everyone,

This week we had a lot going on in the way of meetings, but we had a great week and we were able to put Joseph and Mary on date [for baptism] for later in April.  We also had zone training and as you can see in the picture, I found someone from Salem.  Yeah, Aaron Nelson is in my mission so I was able to talk with him for a bit.  He's doing good.

We also had Stake conferences this week so I was able to see everyone [from] Calhoun again.  I saw Abraham and Chase who were two I worked closely with.  Both are doing good and are active.  Joe was also there [at stake conference].  It was really exciting to see him there, partly because we didn't know he was coming.  He went up and talked to President Harding for a minute which was awesome because president is a very powerful man and so I hope that it did some good because we are not progressing with him [Joe] right now.

Thank you for the love and support from you all!!  Keep the faith!

Tyler and Companion

Tyler and Aaron Nelson from Salem

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